Rethink Question Chapter 10 Module 29

1)   There are different approaches to motivation, which are used on workplace, but the most used are certainly incentive approaches to motivate and drive reduction approaches to motivate. Incentive approach is the motivation that stems from the desire to obtain valued external goals. It is important because people are motivated at work when they get something for it, like money. Most of the people are working for money, because they need to survive and not because they have fun at work. The fun at work is very important too because a person has to like what he or she is doing and can perform the work the best if they enjoy the work. The drive reduction approach is another important approach to motivate. People need money and goods like food to survive. They depend on the money they get from work to feet themselves and their family. Basic needs motivate them to work.


2)   From the perspective of an educator I think that giving students grades could be either bad or good for the intrinsic motivation. It could be negative when a person do not like a subject, starting from the moment he was born, because then the person gets forced to do something he or she does not like from instinct. In another way it could be positive when somebody likes a subject from instinct. The use of grades gives them a positive reinforce, when their grades are good, and makes them like a subject even more as they do anyway by instinct.



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