Rethink Question Chapter 10 Module 30

1)   Societal expectations, expressed by television shows and commercials are contributed to both obesity and excessive concerns about weight loss, because television has a huge impact on people. In television commercials there are most often shown some very unhealthy and fat food. People watch TV and see all these thin athletic people eat the worst food. The people start to believe that when these thin good-looking people are eating that food why should not I also eat that. This is one of the most common and dangerous ways in which people can get overweight.  But societal expectation, expressed by television and commercials, can also cause excessive concern about weight loss. People who are watching TV see this thin people and think that they are to fat, so they decrease or stop eating, which can have bad impacts on somebody’s health. The television could contribute to better eating habits and attitudes towards weight, if they would not show any fast food of unhealthy food commercials anymore. It would also help if the television would show how to eat and that it is dangerous to eat the wrong food. I think it would probably be a good idea if would be a requirement for the television to just show healthy food commercials, but I do not think that that will ever be possible, because the fast-food and unhealthy food brands have much more money to pay for commercials. Healthy food companies do not have that much money and cannot afford the commercials.


2)   If I would be a human recourse specialist I would definitely use characteristics like need for achievement, need for power and need for affiliation when I would select workers for jobs. It can be a great advantage for companies if they choose people who are having the right characteristic to do a work. Need for achievement is certainly important in every job. It is important that people have the will to work and the will to achieve new and better things. The need for power can be an advantage or a disadvantage. In a job in which a person needs to control other people and has to use power to give instructions, it is important to have the need for power. The need for affiliation can also be an advantage or a disadvantage, because in a work, which requires teamwork, it can be a advantage, but at a job witch need to be done by oneself it can be a disadvantage. The other criteria I would have to consider is how extreme one of the characteristics are. If the characteristic is to extreme it will have a negative impact on everything in a job. The only characteristic a person can not have to much is the need for achievement, because it is always good when somebody wants to achieve something.


One Response to “Rethink Question Chapter 10 Module 30”

  1. post4pottieger Says:

    9/10 — 29
    10/10 — 30

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