Rethink Question 32

  1. The law enacted to prohibit women in the armed forces from participating directly in combat in the interest of keeping them save is in my opinion sexist. Because of this law women are not able to do the same work as men do. Women should have the same possibility as men. It cannot be that women are not able to directly participate in a combat when men are able to do so. The reason of “keeping women safe” is just a formulation to not have to say that women are not as helpful at the front as men are. When a woman really likes to fight why should she not have the ability to do so? This might also be a form of benevolent sexism, because the U.S. Congress actually things it is an advantage that women cannot participate in a combat, but in reality they just make the assumption that women are not as eligible to fight in a war then men are. In Germany we do not have this law, and women are allowed to work at every military position they want. Even it is allowed to women to participate at every position there are not a lot of women in the German military, because it’s not usually for a women to go to the military.
  1. From a perspective of a business executive I would try to reduce sexism in the workplace even it is widespread. To narrow down gap between men and women at workplace the chances for women have to be the same as they are for men to get a job. Often jobs in high positions are offered to men instead of women, this needs to change. The problem with this is that women in high jobs are that they are probably going to become pregnant and would have to do a break from the job for at least a year. This problem needs to be solved by giving women the ability to work during their pregnancies, with for example a workplace at home. Women and men with the same level of education need to be able to accomplish the same job with the same salary. Also the view of women as a housewife needs to change, because this is probably the biggest issue, which makes such a big difference between women and man at the workplace. When women are not seen as the housewife anymore in our society we will be able to close the gap between men and women in terms of occupation and salary.

One Response to “Rethink Question 32”

  1. post4pottieger Says:

    sp…safe…..wc — customary.


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