Rethink Question Module 33

  1. I thin that humans differ from other species in their year round receptivity to sex and in the number and variety of stimuli they perceive as sexual, because for humans sex is a pleasure and for other animals it is just a reproduction process. Humans enjoy having sex, for reason they have much more often sex then other animals do. Also humans usually just get one child at a time, other animals reproduce with much more offspring’s.  For example a bug lays thousands of eggs at a time.  The reason why we perceive much higher number and variety of sexual stimuli is that sex is almost a social factor. It is normal to have sex and it is normal that sex varies. People have different fantasies about having sex, which animals do not have. Animals just know one procedure to reproduce. The evolutionary purpose might differ, because sex is not just a procedure to reproduce anymore it is a joyful part of our lives which nobody want to renounce.
  1. From the perspective of a sex counselor how do people learn to be aroused by the stimuli that their society considers as erotic? This has a lot to do in which culture the person grows up. Different cultures see different symbols or body parts as erotic. In the western society for example the breast size of woman is a clear symbol of erotic. In other cultures the breast size of women is not seen as an erotic symbol. Sexual fantasies also influence what a person considers as erotic and what not. We learn this from young up. The way in which people grow up and what information they get by the society definitely influences their feelings about erotic. The message comes from stimuli, which attract us.

One Response to “Rethink Question Module 33”

  1. post4pottieger Says:

    1. offspring –pl.
    2. leaned how?


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