Archive for November, 2009

Chapter 2

November 30, 2009

Chapter 2. The Colonies

Who primarily lived in the colonies and why were the colonies started?

In the colonies lived people from different countries and religions: Scots, Irish Catholics, French Huguenots, Spanish Jews and German Protestants. The numbers of African American were higher in the southern colonies than in the northern.

The colonies were started to get religious freedom, a new home, freedom of the government ore building a government.

Reasons why people moved to the colonies?

Belief in a different religion, wars in Europe, diseases in Europe, New beginning because of poorness, Tiered of paying taxes and working for the king, Find enough food in the new land.

Indentured Servants: The indentured Servants is a worker who goes to the colonies and work their. The government paid for the trip when they worked between 5-7 years at a colony.

Slaves: Slaves works for their owner. Slaves are in Slavery for life. They can’t change their social class.

Quiz in class

  1. A
  2. B
  3. E
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. D

10. B

Test Question

1-10) Explain 10 things that should done when displaying the flag. Each point must include at least two sentences.

1. Its not allowed displaying the flag when it is dark beside you it is illuminated

2. It’s only allowed to display a flag outside if it is an all weather flag

3. The only person who is able to decide whether to display the flag half-staff is the president of the United States of America.

4. Its not allowed wearing the flag

5. The flag has to be displayed on public places like schools, libraries

6. The flag has to be folded in a certain way

7. Its not allowed throwing the flag away. It’s only allowed to burn it ceremonially

8. Its not allowed letting the flag touch the floor

9. It has to be flown freely

10. Its not allowed to print the flag on things which are suppose to be thrown away like plastic cups.

11. Who built large temple pyramids                                                Maya

12. Who invented the concept or number 0                                     Maya

13. Who built large burial mounds                                                Farmers and Traders

14. Who developed a written language and had a dictionary                        Five Civilized Tribes

15. Built apartment like houses                                                             Anasazi

16. Sailed with the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria                        Christopher Columbus

17. First to sail around the tip of South Africa                                    Amerigo Vespucci

18. Sailed the Mississippi River                                                            Louis Joliet, Jacques Marcvett

19. Explored present day Canada, and established French settlements            Jaques Cartier

20. Conquered the Inca Empire                                                            Francisco Pizzaro

Describe 3 Explorers from your list in class with at least two points about each. They may not be from the above list.




Label 10 of the following in the map 24-34

Inca                   Bering Strait                  Samuel De Champlain

Iroquois                  Christopher Columbus       Robert de La Salle

Olmec                  Maya                         Aztec

Anasazi                  Hohokam                  Amerigo Verspucci

F. Magellan            Hernado Cortez            Francisco Pizzaro

John Cabot            Henry Hudson            Tenoctitlan

Jaques Cartier             Strait of Mallegan            Hopewell

35. Who was in America prior to the Europeans?            Native Americans

36. How did the first Native get to America?                  Over a Land Bridge

37. What caused them to migrate south?                  Variation of food

38. Who is the Amerigo Vespucci?                        Italian Explorer

What is his connection to Columbus?

39. Explain 3 reasons Europeans wanted to explore?           Religious persecution

41.    They wanted to start a new life

42.     Freedom of the kingdom back in their country

43.  What was the purpose of joint stock companies?


44. Describe the events between the Pilgrims and Indians that led to the First Thanksgiving

45. Describe the economy and society of the Middle colonies

Society: Dutch, English, Swedes, Africans, Native Americans and French

Economy: they had a big harbor but they didn’t supply enough food to export.

46. Describe the economy and society of the Southern colonies

Economy: growing corn, beans, squash and tobacco.

Society: slaves, indentured servants and English gentlemen

47. Describe the economy and society of the New England colonies

Economy: fishing and farming

Society: people who are seeking for a religious haven

48. Construct a chart of the Colombian exchange that has America, Caribbean, Europe, and Africa. Include at least 20 goods

Europe, Africa and Asia to Americas and Caribbean:

Onions, olives, turnips, coffee beans, peaches, pears, wheat, rice, sheep, cattle, pigs

Americas and Caribbean to Europe, Africa and Asia:

Peppers, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squash, turkeys, peanuts, potatoes, corn, vanilla, cacao, tobacco

49. Put the following Colonies in the right category

Middle Colonies South Colonies New England Colonies
–       New York


–       New Jersey

–       Pennsylvania

–       Delaware

–       Maryland


–       Virginia

–       South Carolina

–       North Carolina

–       Georgia

–       Rhode Island


–       Connecticut

–       Massachusetts

–       New Hampshire

The Columbian Exchange

  1. Columbian Exchange is a trade marked
  2. Columbus lost his government ship
  3. Italian traveled to Columbia
  4. A German print the first map of America
  5. European Ships brought food from America to Europe: Potato
  6. European brought animals and Technology to American
  7. European brought their culture to America
  8. Brought people together who were isolated to each other and diseases get spared
  9. Corn, sweet potato, pumpkin, papaya, avocado, tomato, chili, sugar, rice, wine, oil, dazes, dandy leans, sheep’s, picks, chickens, small packs, typhus

10. Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Caribbean

Africa America Europe Asia Caribbean
–       Slaves


–       Corn


–       Potato

–       Sweet potato

–       Pumpkin

–       Chickens

–       Technical


–       People to work

–       People to live

–       Spices


–       Rice

–       Chili

–       Sugar


–       Papaya

–       Avocado


1)   One page <1 = 1>0

2)   Five countries

  • America
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • Caribbean

3)   Word Document cannot have any white on it

4)   You must make a diagram of the Columbian Exchange

5)   Every Country must connect to every country

6)   Must color coordinate you diagram

7)   Each arrow must have 3 goods on it

8)   The Flow of goods must be correct or accurate

9)   Add a creative touch to make your diagram unique

10)                  Some word angled / at least 4 different colors / at least 2 different Font or size

11)                  Use this to grade

Veterans day

1)   Write a letter to a Veteran (tell them about you (introduce yourself)) 7-10

2)   Thank them for their servants 7-10

3)   Explain why their servants is so important for the country 10

4)   Ask them 7 question

5)   Conclusion (Thank them again, Sign you name)

French and Indian War

French Explores and English Explorer came to the north. The French tried to cross America in the west. The French stopped at the Hudson River and returned to the east. The English came to the west. In the middle the French and the British came together at the middle. Every tried to get the Indians, who lived in the middle, to fought on their side. The British won the war and the French returned in the northeast.

Road to Revolution

Salutary neglect = non-interference

Intolerable Acts:

–       Molasses Act

–       Woolen Act

–       Hat Act

–       Iron Act

–       Navigation Act

–       Sugar Act

–       Stamp Act

–       Townshend Act

–       Coercive Act

Boston Massacre: 5 people got killed because the Colonist through snowballs at the British soldiers.

Propaganda: The Propaganda was used to show the people in the colonies how bad and hard the British were and attract members to fight against the British.

Boston tae party: The British had the control about all the Tea. The colonists through all the tea of one ship in the water. The British did not send goods to the Colonies anymore.

One Page Newspaper cover with Propaganda

–       1 page

–       3 articles

–       3 creative article titles

–       3 pictures

–       3 captions

–       3 See inside’s for

–       Creative title for paper

–       Different shapes of articles and pictures

–       Propaganda

–       Variety of color

–       Something  creative that makes your paper unique