Archive for November, 2010

Module 15

November 18, 2010

Module 15


  1. People in almost every culture use hypnosis to alter their states of consciousness. Hypnosis helps them controlling pain, reducing smoking, treating psychological disorders, assisting in law enforcement, or improving athletic performances. But hypnosis does not work with everybody, so some people are not able to get hypnotized. Hypnosis is not the only way to alter the stat of consciousness also meditation can be used. The advantage compared to hypnosis is that everybody can do it.


  1. Yes I would encourage people to use meditation during the workday. Even it steels people some work time they can work more effective when they use meditation. People can take a break on a hard working day and do some meditation so they get refocused after the meditation they can start working again. Even meditation has a lot of advantages it takes some time to do it, so it is probably not the best thing to do during work. Compared to Hypnosis everybody can meditate when he follows simple rules.


Module 13 and 14

November 18, 2010

Module 13


  1. Painters use perspective to create 3D effects, even the painting is drawn it seems to the eye as it would be in 3D. An example for this is a railroad tack, our eyes are used to the picture that a railroad is going together in the distance even it is not really going together. When a painter draws it like it is going together our eyes see it as 3D, because our brain knows the pictures and who we see it normally not on pictures. Also the use of different sizes of objects create the feeling of 3D, so is an elephant usually taller then an antelope, but when an painter draws the elephant smaller then the antelope our brain recognizes that the elephant is further away.  Some African tribes cannot see the 3D effects because their brain is not used to 3D. Their brain does not recognize that a railroad tack, which is going together on a painting, creates a 3D illusion. Also the do not recognize the differences between size so they would see a elephant which is smaller then an antelope on the same level then the antelope.
  2. If a member of my staff would propose a subliminal advertisement, I would argue that it is not proven that it really works. A lot of psychologists think it works but nobody can really prove if people really react on the picture the see but nor recognize. Also the prime (the image the persons sees but not recognize to have seen it) has to be intensive that it is affective, and even if people show reaction the subliminal advertisement does not hold on very long.


Module 14

  1. If a pill would exist which let people sleep just for one hour the advantages would be that the person would have more time to work, or it would give people more spare time. Also sleeping disorders would not be so likely to occur, because people do not reach the stages in which the disorder occurs. But beside these advantages it would have serious disadvantages for people who would take this pill. People who just sleep one hour never reach stage five, REM stage, of the sleeping in which they are dreaming and which is the most important stage during sleep. Another disadvantage would be that with just one hour of sleep people would not dream, which is important, because it remembers us of material to which we have been previously exposed, based on the DREAMS-FOR-SURVIVAL THEORY. I would not use this pill because I would never really sleep in the REM stage.
  2. I think the finding in sleep research are very important for maximize students learning. Students’ learning is more effective when they have enough sleep, because they can concentrate more on specific things. Enough sleep is also necessary for them because it during sleep important brain functions get build and new brain cells get developed. Sleeping in the REM stage is also important for them to remember material, which they have previously exposed.


Rethink Questions 11-12

November 4, 2010

Rethink Chapter 4 Module 11


1)   I do not think there would be a different perception of the world if people would have a second lens, because the body would have get used to it through the evolution and would see the world like it is and not up and down.

2)   In advertisements for people who are color blind I would not use colors like green and red because  these are the colors most of the color blind people can not see. So I would use other colors so that these people do not have a disadvantage.



Rethink Chapter 4 Module 12


1)   The research in the repairing faulty sensory organs is important. The advantages are that people can improve their disabilities in these organs to get the ability to bring their broken organs back to a normal level. The disadvantages are that people get used to the new facilities and their organs getting worst from alone.

2)   I would try to convince the child’s family members to let repair his deaf, because I just can be from advantage for him to have a additional sense. Even other senses already developed so that he can equate his deaf, it is a advantage to hear.





Rethink Questions Module 10

November 2, 2010


  1. I think it is possible to have sensation without perception, because sometimes people feel something but do not analyze the in their brain why they felt it.   It is also possible that perception occurs without sensation, because some people are thinking that something exists even it is not existing in real life.
  2. As a manufacturer I would use Psychophysics, to test if the psychological experience of a new product is better then of an old product. I would check wich product comsumers would take if they have just the choice between the old and the new product, and if they would choose the old product I would know that I have to change something.